Company News & Blog - Page 4

Latest industry news and insights from the Valpak Team

Single use plastics
Blog, International
Canada’s Single-use Plastic Ban

George Hawkins and Amie McGowan, members of our International Environmental Compliance Team, examine the implementation of a Single Use Plastic Ban in Canada and discuss how the country intends to crack down on the environmental issues caused by single-use plastic products.

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Valpak EPR Logo
Blog, EPR
EPR and DRS Reform: The state of play

Over the next few years, we expect to see significant changes to legislation for dealing with packaging waste, which will have a significant impact on packaging producers and consumers. Valpak Policy Researcher, Henry Smith's blog provides an update on the programme of reforms on the horizon.

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Article, Blog, Recycling
Investigating India’s Plastics Pact

Kara Fripp, International Account Manager, investigates India’s Plastics Pact, an ambitious collaborative initiative which aims to tackle plastic pollution in India.

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Blog, ESOS
ESOS – is it time to comply?

The qualification date for Phase 3 of the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) is fast approaching and the compliance deadline is only months away. Ian Guest's Blog explains how to find out if your business is obligated, next steps and how Valpak can help.

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Blog, Textiles, Waste Management
Sewing the seeds of change

James Beard summarises the EU Strategy for Sustainable Textiles, outlining measures the EU will be pursuing to improve the environmental performance of the clothing industry, directly impacting UK based companies and influencing the direction of Textile legislation within the UK.

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Blog, EPR, Packaging, Plastic Packaging Tax
UK – a brave new world in a European context

Abbie Burford, Commercial Account Manager, looks at how various European countries meet EU packaging waste requirements and uses her knowledge to predict the shifts businesses may see (in terms of UK environmental compliance reporting and obligations), as a result of forthcoming Extended Producer Responsibility legislation and the Plastic Packaging Tax.

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