Article, EPR
Reconomy launches Think Circular Live

Reconomy launches its new events concept, Think Circular Live, which will become a platform to showcase thought leadership content, both in person and online. These events will be hosted across the world, covering the latest trending circular economy topics.

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Data Management
Blog, Compliance, EPR, Packaging
Common EPR mistakes

James Griffin, Valpak Environmental Compliance Advisor, has written an informative blog post that provides valuable insights into common mistakes made while completing the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for packaging data form. This resource proves highly beneficial for our members.

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Blog, EPR, Textiles
Fashioning a better future: The EU’s Sustainable Textiles Strategy

James Beard, Valpak's Head of Voluntary Compliance summarises the key objectives of the EU’s strategy for sustainable textiles, provides an overview of the significant steps countries like France and Italy have taken to try and establish a circular economy for textiles, and discusses how other countries are likely to follow their lead.

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Blog, Compliance, EPR, Packaging
Producers’ obligations under Extended Producer Responsibility for packaging

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for packaging will bring new obligations for businesses that are legally required to comply with the current Packaging Waste Regulations and will cast the net further to obligate some producers that currently don't need to comply. In his latest blog, Henry Smith, Valpak Policy Researcher provides a summary of the various ways different businesses will be obligated.

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Fishing Net Caught on Coral
Blog, EPR
Put the fear in Ghost Gear

We recently partnered with Ghost Fishing UK, an award-winning independent charity, established in 2015 with the purpose of removing harmful ‘ghost gear’ from the ocean. Two volunteers from Valpak, Cam Hall, and Sarah Swaine, joined the Ghost Fishing team in a project off the coast of Plymouth. Sarah provides a summary of the trip and an overview of the charity's work in her latest blog.

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Valpak EPR Logo
Blog, EPR
EPR and DRS Reform: The state of play

Over the next few years, we expect to see significant changes to legislation for dealing with packaging waste, which will have a significant impact on packaging producers and consumers. Valpak Policy Researcher, Henry Smith's blog provides an update on the programme of reforms on the horizon.

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Blog, EPR, Packaging, Plastic Packaging Tax
UK – a brave new world in a European context

Abbie Burford, Commercial Account Manager, looks at how various European countries meet EU packaging waste requirements and uses her knowledge to predict the shifts businesses may see (in terms of UK environmental compliance reporting and obligations), as a result of forthcoming Extended Producer Responsibility legislation and the Plastic Packaging Tax.

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Bulky Waste
Blog, Compliance, EPR
Can EPR help do some heavy lifting with bulky waste?

The Government has listed bulky waste in the Resources and Waste Strategy as a potential target area. Ben Richardson discusses the challenges associated with this waste stream, potential focus areas and how Extended Producer Responsibility can tackle the issues.

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