Helping business to prepare for forthcoming changes to UK waste legislation.

Extended Producer Responsibility and Deposit & Return Schemes will make packaging producers responsible for more of the costs associated with packaging when it reaches the end of its life.


Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) legislation holds product and packaging manufacturers, importers, and brand owners responsible for minimising the environmental impact of their goods and packaging throughout their lifecycle. This legislation also ensures that these businesses financially contribute to activities such as material recycling, recovery, and disposal, as well as raising awareness among consumers.

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for packaging waste reporting began in late 2023, based upon the packaging a business places on the market across the first half of the year.

As businesses prepare to become EPR-ready, reporting, and robust data have never been more important.

Over the years, we have developed the UK’s largest database of product and packaging information, and our online Insight Platform and Product Data Hub have been designed to streamline and simplify data reporting.

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With the right strategy, you can mitigate pEPR costs effectively.

Our Packaging Analysis Services are designed to help you reduce your pEPR fees by optimising packaging design and improving material efficiency.

Our expert team can analyse your packaging, identify areas for improvement, and provide actionable insights to minimise costs while maintaining compliance. Visit our “How to reduce pEPR fees” web page to find out more.

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Other UK legislation that could affect you

Extended Producer Responsibility is only one aspect of the legislation proposed under the UK packaging waste reforms. Visit our Plastic Packaging Tax and Deposit Return Scheme pages for further information.


EPR and DRS across the globe

Extended Producer Responsibility legislation is emerging across the globe. Is your business prepared?

Visit our Global EPR and Deposit & Return Scheme web pages to find out how we harness our global market knowledge, extensive reach, and specialist services to simplify compliance worldwide.

Make an enquiry

If you would like to know more about getting EPR ready, contact us today.