Packaging Recyclability

As Plastic Pact’s data partner we use publicly available data and our own assessments to identify packaging recyclability.

The UK Plastics Pact
Member of OPRL Logo

Our product and packaging database

Using data collected we have created and manage a database of over 40 million products sold onto the UK market, where we hold packaging and product-related data. This is Valpak’s bespoke software Environmental Product Information Centre (EPIC).

Our largest data set relates to the UK grocery retail market, where we hold data relating to 77% of sales.

Identifying packaging recyclability

One piece of data we hold against every packaging item is its recyclability.

Through our joint working with OPRL, we use their matrices and additional Valpak data to identify packaging recyclability based on the material type and packaging format. Members can then either assess their packaging recyclability themselves using our online Insight Platform, or we can do this for them.

We have also used the data to allow Valpak members to benchmark their packaging recyclability against others in their sector. The aim is for members to use the data to identify less recyclable packaging and where appropriate make changes to improve its recyclability.

Insight Platform

View our Insight Platform video

The Valpak Insight Platform provides users with a clear view of their business’s product and supplier data, enabling businesses to report on, manage performance and make informed decisions with regard to compliance and sustainability.